Re-engage remote workforce

Data wydarzenia: 03.06.2022 13:00


Łukasz Potrzebka

Product & Service Portfolio Lead at IT-Dev

Agenda wydarzenia:

Current modern work challenges
User experience importance
Microsoft Viva as a response to well-being issues
Addidional means to build or reinforce positivie attitude


Do the remote and hybrid models work? Do they have any disadvantages? How do employees really feel? We have been adapting to the new way of working for two years now and these are the questions everyone asks today. We are going to discuss what is the importance of user experience in internal communication and collaboration. We will present how Microsoft Viva products address current modern work challenges, we will also show how this approach can be taken further using additional means to build and reinforce positive attitude and engagement.

Łukasz Potrzebka

Product & Service Portfolio Lead at IT-Dev

He has been working on providing solutions for clients using Microsoft technologies for over 15 years. He started his career as a programmer, becoming a team leader in a few years. Currently, he helps building Digital Workplaces based on Microsoft cloud. He has been a Digital Workplace principal consultant for over 4 years now. He advises on Digital Workplace implementations, engaging directly in adoption activities. As a graduate of Computer Science and Management at the Wrocław University of Technology, he is interested in the field of usability and activities involving employees.

Piotr Sornat

CSMO & Vice President at IT-Dev

Senior Business Manager, who has been building his international experience for over 16 years. Among other cities, he worked in London, where for the last 13 years he has specialized in the automation and security of platforms and services based on Microsoft technology. He gained practical skills by working with the world’s largest corporations and government agencies. He has been associated with the Microsoft cloud for over a decade, so from its first historical versions. An advocate of the ITaaS concept and user-oriented approach. He sees in these concepts’ strategic aspects of the organization’s development, its talents, and increasing competitiveness.

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